Students working on airplane model

Mechanical Engineering, B.S.

Full-time Faculty: X. Yu, J. Scire, F. Li, T. Ioppolo, Q. Liu, W. Zeng, K. Mishra, J. Seidel

New York Institute of Technology offers courses leading to the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Long Island campus. Students have the option of selecting a concentration of courses in aerospace engineering in the mechanical engineering option.

The primary objectives of the mechanical engineering curriculum (as written in the college catalog and on the department’s website) are to produce versatile engineering graduates capable of growth within the industry or prepared to pursue advanced studies. The objectives listed below reflect New York Tech’s overall mission: career-oriented education to prepare students for successful careers in an information-age society and applications-oriented research, expanding the knowledge base of society, and contributing to economic development of the region, state, and nation.

The important mission element to emphasize is the applied orientation of the college in general, and the engineering programs in particular. Emphasis is on the design/computer/applications components in the spectrum of mechanical engineering programs, and objectives are fulfilled by courses in the sciences, humanities, and mechanical engineering, with increasing emphasis on design. Established sequences for students provide them with a broad education and the flexibility to allow some degree of depth in an area of interest.

Providing the curriculum’s backbone are the sciences, mathematics, and the basic levels of mechanical engineering courses, which constitute the fundamental knowledge base needed by students for an array of advanced courses. The university’s liberal arts and humanities core curriculum is designed to provide students with additional knowledge and skills related to job and graduate school success. It is concerned with the student as a citizen and community leader; to that end, it provides a broad selection of history, philosophy, and literature. One of the major features of the core curriculum is an emphasis on learning through written, oral, and electronic presentations. These communication skills carry over effectively into advanced mechanical engineering courses.

Design courses include a capstone course and two electives, the latter chosen depending on a student’s interests. Design projects encompass engineering components using the skills developed throughout the curriculum, economic issues appropriate to the effective practice of engineering, and written language and oral communication skills.

Within this general direction and the mission and vision of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, our program faculty, with input from stakeholders such as employers, alumni, and industrial advisory board members, have determined program educational objectives to prepare versatile engineers who:

  • Are successfully employed in engineering or their chosen career path
  • Pursue graduate studies and/or continuing education in their field
  • Function as responsible members of society through engagement in community or professional organizations

To support these objectives, the curriculum has been developed to provide student outcomes that describe what degree candidates are expected to know and be able to do by the time they graduate. Upon graduation, students are expected to have:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Aerospace Engineering Concentration

The concentration in Aerospace Engineering is designed to give mechanical engineers the opportunity to focus on aircraft and space vehicle design. Material capabilities, production, and propulsion are emphasized to enable an engineer to meet the changing priorities of the aerospace industry.

Co-op (Cooperative Education) Option

This B.S. program also offers a co-op option. The co-op program is a mechanism to enable students to prepare themselves for the job market while pursuing their undergraduate degrees. Typically, junior or senior students work full-time for six months at an industrial partner related to their major or career interests. During this time, students earn a salary and do not pay tuition. The skills, contacts, and real-world know-how gained through the co-op program—combined with what is learned in the classroom—creates a unique and holistic educational experience. Please note that the co-op option will extend the degree program by one semester. Enrolling in the co-op is optional, but students must apply for placement in the program. For details, please contact the co-op program coordinator.

Five-Year Accelerated Option: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

The college offers a five-year accelerated degree option leading to a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Students with a GPA above 3.0 can be accepted into the Accelerated M.S. Options program and become eligible to take three graduate-level courses in their junior and senior years, which can be applied to both their undergraduate and graduate degree requirements within the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences at no additional cost. For details, please contact the chairperson of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

View details of the program

International F-1 students who successfully complete this degree are eligible for an additional 24-month STEM OPT extension to work in the U.S. in an area directly related to their area of study immediately upon completing the customary 12-month post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).

The Mechanical Engineering, B.S. program on the Long Island campus is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Mechanical Engineering.

The college also offers a graduate program leading to a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, as well as a Ph.D. program in engineering with a concentration in mechanical engineering.

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This program has specific admission requirements in addition to our general requirements

Admission Requirements

First Year

  • If the student took the SAT, a minimum combined SAT score of 1080 (critical reading and math only), including a minimum score of 550 in math
    • If the student did not take the SAT/ACT or the student does not meet the SAT/ACT score requirement, they may be admitted to this program but must successfully complete Calculus I within the first three semesters. If the student is unable to successfully complete Calculus I in the first three semesters, their advisor will work with them to either choose another major within the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, or choose a major in another college/school at New York Institute of Technology.
  • Three years of math


  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3
  • Completed at least 12 credits of required math, physics, computer science, and engineering. Students may also satisfy these requirements by passing challenge examinations in these areas as provided for by university policies.

Students who have not chosen a specific program in engineering as a major or who do not fully satisfy the entrance requirements for engineering may be classified with an undeclared status in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences up to the end of their second year. Transfer students and students who have completed more than two years of coursework should check with both their academic and financial aid advisors regarding their status as majors.

Application Materials

  • Completed application
  • $50 nonrefundable application fee
  • Copies of transcripts of all high school work, including college-level courses. Your mid-year and final grades will be required. All final, official transcripts must be received prior to the start of your first semester.
  • Official SAT (critical reading and math only) or ACT test scores. If you have fewer than 24 credits of previous college work completed, you will need to submit official SAT or ACT scores.
    • SAT Code: 2561, ACT Code: 2832
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • 300–350 word essay on one of the following topics:
    • Tell us about your career goals and why attending New York Tech would further these goals.
    • Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and why.

International Students Special Requirements

Academic Standards

Students enrolled in this program must successfully complete Calculus I within the first three semesters. If the student is unable to successfully complete Calculus I within the first three semesters, an academic advisor will work with the student to choose another major within the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences or a major in another school or college at the university.

Students enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering, B.S. program must earn a grade of C- or higher in all required computer science and engineering courses. Grades of D+ or below cannot be counted toward a student's degree.

In the case of a transfer student, grades of D+ or lower are not transferable for any computer science or engineering courses.

Undeclared students who intend to pursue Mechanical Engineering must meet the conditions above in order to qualify for entrance into the program.

Repeating courses may impact eligibility for financial aid. Students should consult with a financial aid advisor before registering for a repeated course.