Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards for the D.O. Program
In order for students to meet SAP standards, students must:
- Successfully complete all their courses/clerkships/required seminars* each year
- Complete the D.O. degree requirements within six years (150% of the standard four years) of the first day of attendance. Exceptions may be made for periods when the student may be withdrawn from the college.
* Please note, the method of delivery of a course may be modified at any time as permitted by governmental and/or accreditor regulations.
Grading System for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Degree
H – Honors
HP – High Pass
P – Pass
F – Fail
I – Incomplete
S – Satisfactory
U – Unsatisfactory
WA – Withdrawn, Administratively
W – Withdrawn, Passing
WF – Withdrawn, Failing
TC – Transfer Credit
AC – Assessment Credit
(H) Honors – Awarded to students whose performance is determined to be in the top 10% of the cohort of students enrolled in the course for 500-level and 600-level courses (or as otherwise specified in the course syllabus). Awarded to students who attain a minimum COMAT standard score of 113 and a minimum Overall Student Performance Evaluation Score of 4 in 700-level clerkship courses and in the 800-level Emergency Medicine clerkship course (or as otherwise specified in the course syllabus).
(HP) High Pass – Awarded to students who attain a COMAT standard score between 108 and 112 and a minimum Overall Student Performance Evaluation level of 3 in 700-level clerkship courses and in the 800-level Emergency Medicine clerkship course (or as otherwise specified in the course syllabus).
(P) Pass – All requirements for successful completion of the course have been met.
(F) Fail – Requirements for successful completion of the course have NOT been met.
(I) Incomplete – All assignments/activities used to determine a course grade have not been completed.
(S) Satisfactory – Performance has met the minimum standards for passing.
(U) Unsatisfactory – Performance has NOT met the minimum standards for passing.
Grade Notation
The grades of I (Incomplete) and U (Unsatisfactory) are interim grades and change to a grade of P (Pass) when the requirements for passing are successfully completed within the allotted time frame or to a grade of F (Fail) if the student is unable to successfully complete the requirements for passing within the allotted time frame. Grades of I and U will be automatically changed to a grade of F (Fail) if the student does not complete the work before the start of the academic year following the assignment of the I or U grade. In some instances, a grade of I (Incomplete) may also change to a grade of H (Honors) or HP (High Pass) as a result of completed assignments/activities meeting the corresponding grade standards (unless otherwise specified in the course syllabus). The Honors (H) grade does not apply to 800-level courses unless otherwise specified in the course syllabus. The High Pass (HP) grade applies only to 700-level courses unless otherwise specified in the course syllabus.
View Requirements for Graduation