Students looking at computer

School of Management: Undergraduate Programs

Welcome to New York Tech's School of Management, a leading institution accredited by AACSB, where we redefine business education for careers of the future. Situated in the heart of one of the world's most vibrant business hubs—New York City (as well as campuses on Long Island and Vancouver)—our school is dedicated to providing high-quality, career-advancing opportunities in an environment that thrives on global interests, innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.

The School of Management fulfills the institutional mission by offering career-oriented professional education, ensuring access to opportunity for all qualified students, and fostering research that has an impact on the local and global community.

At New York Tech's School of Management, we believe in offering an education that goes beyond the conventional. Our programs are designed to be unique, innovative, and non-traditional, reflecting the dynamic nature of today's business landscape. We prioritize inclusivity and engagement, ensuring that every student feels valued and empowered to succeed.

Central to our philosophy is the belief in experiential learning. We provide hands-on opportunities that allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, preparing them for the challenges of tomorrow. Our approach is highly personalized, with faculty and staff dedicated to supporting each student's individual journey.

Scholarship at our School of Management is grounded in three key elements: technology, career orientation/industry advancement, and globalization. We understand the importance of staying ahead in a rapidly evolving technological world, and we equip our students with the skills and knowledge to thrive in this environment. Our focus on careers in business ensures that graduates are prepared to excel in their chosen fields, while our emphasis on globalization prepares them to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.

Our Career Building Platform is at the core of our commitment to student success. Intensely focused on helping students launch their professional careers, we provide tailored support across various business disciplines, including marketing, finance, business analytics, risk management, and operations and supply chain management. Through our career building platform, students gain access to a wealth of industry knowledge and networking opportunities essential for success in their chosen careers.

Whether you are still trying to find your career or have well developed career aspirations, our School of Management is here to help you achieve your goals and become a leader in the ever-evolving world of business. Join us and embark on a journey toward a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Administration and Professional Staff

The school's administrative team oversees program delivery and other functions necessary to effectively deliver the school's activities. Professional staff members provide services to all stakeholder groups that the school supports, including students, alumni, business leaders, and faculty. Together the administration and professional staff of the school take a student-centric approach to their responsibilities, always with consideration for student needs and stakeholder values.


  • Jaishankar Ganesh, Dean
  • Diamando Afxentiou, Director of BSBA program
  • Sinan Caykoylu, Associate Dean (Vancouver)
  • Joyce Chiu, Director, Center for International Business Studies (CIBS)
  • William Ninehan, Director of MBA Program
  • Maya Kroumova, Chair, department of Management and Marketing (M&M)
  • Scott Liu, Executive Associate Dean and Co-director, Center for International Business Studies
  • Rakesh Mittal, Director of Faculty Affairs and Chair, department of Quantitative Analysis and Analytics (Q&A)
  • Kevin O'Sullivan, Director, MSRM program
  • Wenyao Hu, Director, Riyaz Akhtar Experiential Education Program
  • Peter Harris, Chair, department of Law, Economics, Accounting, and Finance (LEAF)
  • Radoslaw Nowak, Director of Professional Enrichment
  • Bisrat Kinfemichael, Director of Community Impact

Professional Staff

  • Constance Canning, Executive Assistant to the Dean
  • Patricia Brustman, Coordinator for Professional Development and Staff Associate
  • Patthara Chandaragga, Student Advisement Specialist
  • Maria Dinanno, Staff Associate, Student Advisement Specialist
  • Ellie Schwartz, Senior Specialist for Graduate Programs

Departments and Faculty

The school's organization encourages empowerment across its constituent faculty through the disaggregation of responsibilities into departments. Departments work collaboratively to advance the school's mission while simultaneously working independently toward creating specific niche and distinctive competencies to ensure student and stakeholder success within the areas that are overseen.

Each department includes faculty members from all campus locations where the School of Management delivers its academic programs. This ensures a broad and diverse set of perspectives that impact positively on (a) curriculum development that includes a strong and uniform core component that forms the common experience for all students, regardless of location, and (b) highly contextualized curriculum elements embedded throughout the courses that are localized to the specific needs of the local business community where the program is delivered.

Vision and Mission Statements

The School of Management mission to "provide high quality, career advancing business education opportunities within the context of a dynamic, technologically enabled, and global business environment," supports the school's vision to "be a preeminent and distinguishable leader among institutions of higher education in the provision of internationally based academic business programs."

Unique and Innovative Business Education Programs

The School of Management operationalizes the school's mission through signaling its commitment to excellence by empowering undergraduate students with:

  • Business Technology
  • Experiential Education
  • Professional Enrichment
  • Entrepreneurship and Career Orientation
  • Community Impact

Business Technology is closely aligned with the professional workspace, and includes Bloomberg, Compustat, E-Views, Peachtree, Oracle/Peoplesoft, and SPSS, among others. In this way, students harness the transformational impact of technology on business with the long-term objective of creating value-adding contributions to their own businesses and that of their employers, upon graduation.

Experiential Education complements in-class instruction in diverse ways, including academic service learning, study abroad, faculty-mentored research, internships, solving real-world business challenges, and interacting directly with business leaders and industry partners. Interested students should speak directly to their advisor or the School of Management Director for Experiential Education to discuss specific opportunities offered each semester. Students must complete one experiential education activity in partial fulfillment of degree requirements (BUSI 495).

The Professional Enrichment Program complements traditional pedagogy with supplemental experiences during which our students meet and network with area specialists, learn from business leaders, and are exposed to contemporary and cutting-edge business issues that are not usually discussed in the classroom. In this way, students are exposed to those issues that currently impact local and global business enterprise, from the perspective of business leaders, with insights and perspectives offered that can be integrated into academic studies and professional endeavors. Secondly, the program offers workshops and activities designed to strengthen the professional polish of the student. These include the "mocktail social," "dress for success seminar," and "business etiquette workshop," among others. Interested students should speak directly to their advisor or the School of Management Director of Professional Enrichment to discuss specific opportunities offered each semester. Students are required to complete 20 PE and CI activities (combined) in partial fulfillment of degree requirements (BUSI 495).

Entrepreneurship and Career Orientation involves all course-level learning goals which are designed to support industry-driven objectives and are referenced by entrepreneurs and executives in the employment market. In this way, the school's academic programs are career oriented and designed to strengthen student business creation, job placement, and advancement in the workforce.

The Community Impact Program supports the school's commitment to student engagement in their educational experiences, cooperative learning, community engagement, and personal growth. The co-curricular program sponsors activities that engage students across varied platforms with their peers, faculty and staff, community members, and industry partners. Whether it is by way of clubs and honor societies, or field trips to the stock exchange, the program seeks out those activities that bring stakeholder groups together for the purpose of creating a vibrant community with synergies that advance the academic and professional aspirations of all participants. Students are required to complete 20 PE and CI activities (combined) in partial fulfillment of degree requirements (BUSI 495).

Career Building Platform
In support of the school's mission, the Career Building Platform, comprised of Professional Enrichment, Experiential Education, and Community Impact, has been developed to ensure student success. All students are advised to refer to the brochures for the components of the platform, and speak to their advisor or the directors of each program concerning their completion of activities in each program in partial fulfillment of degree requirements (BUSI 495).

School of Management Assurance of Learning

All students and organizations expect assurance that graduates of the School of Management are achieving the program's stated learning goals. In this spirit, the educational approach taken is one that is outcomes-based. Student learning outcomes are created across every course to validate and support the achievement of programmatic, concentration-specific, and course-level learning goals. These outcomes also strengthen the student's ability to make value-adding contributions to an organization.

Moreover, as previously mentioned, course-level learning goals and related outcomes for each class are designed to include invariant, contextual, and instructor-specific categories. In this way students receive learning experiences that are uniform across sections (invariant), globalized (contextual), and niche specific (instructor-specific), focusing on the specific domain expertise of the instructor.

The School of Management continually updates its curriculum so that it is both contemporary and competitive. Outcomes assessment is continuous, and inputs from students and all stakeholders are utilized to both revise academic programs as well as externally reference the curriculum for relevancy.