Faculty presenting at podium for a conference

Honors and Awards

New York Institute of Technology recognizes outstanding scholarship, service, and leadership. Through the interest of various individuals and organizations, the following awards and honors are conferred for distinctive student achievement:

View Awards by School

University Awards

Dorothy Schure Memorial Award
In memory of Dorothy Schure, a founder and member of the Board of Trustees, annual cash awards are granted to students whose extracurricular activities reflect concern, support, and dedication to the college community at large.

Leonard J. Knuth Trustees' Award
To the full-time student graduating with the highest scholastic average in the class with 55 percent or more credits taken at New York Tech.

Evan Rubin Memorial Award
Conferred at school recognition ceremonies each year on the student who is viewed as having manifested the greatest concern for other individuals within the New York Tech community.

Honors Program Certificate
Awarded to students in the honors program who have met or exceeded all requirements of the program.

Honors Program Award for Excellence
Presented to the student(s) in the honors program who have earned the highest cumulative GPA.

Special Program Award – HEOP
Awarded to Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) participants who have demonstrated exceptional educational achievements.

School of Architecture and Design

Departments of Architecture and Interior Design

Alpha Rho Chi Medal National Professional Fraternity of Architecture Award
Presented to a senior for leadership, willing service to the college, and promise of professional merit through attitude and personality.

American Institute of Architects Henry Adams Medal and Certificate
A medal of achievement and a certificate of achievement to outstanding architecture students.

Architectural Chairs' Award
Awarded by the School of Architecture and Design chairpersons at each campus to the graduate who has achieved distinction in architectural design.

Maria A. Bentel Memorial Thesis Travel Grant
Awarded by a review committee composed of the dean, thesis coordinator, and a senior faculty plus one other full-time faculty to a female fourth-year student in the Bachelor of Architecture program for travel related to a proposed thesis project. Selection will be based on the review of a written proposal, the student's academic record, and a portfolio. Named in memory of the first female tenured architecture faculty member at New York Institute of Technology.

Michael T. Berthold Energy Conservation Award
Awarded to a graduating senior in the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Technology or Bachelor of Architecture program who has demonstrated ecologically sensitive and environmentally sound designing architecture or community planning.

Certificate for Architectural Design Gold and Silver Certificates
Awarded by the architecture faculty design committee to the most deserving graduating five-year students in architecture. Based on a five-year exhaustive review of very high excellence.

Certificate for Achievement in Architectural Technology Gold and Silver Certificates
Awarded by the architecture faculty to graduates who have achieved a high scholastic record in architectural technology.

Certificate for Achievement in Architecture Gold and Silver Certificates
Awarded by architecture faculty to graduates who have achieved a high scholastic record in the Bachelor of Architecture program.

Dean's Award for Design Excellence
Awarded by the dean of the School of Architecture and Design to graduating seniors who have achieved excellence in the architecture and interior design programs.

John Emmi Memorial Award
Presented to the interior design graduate in Long Island with a high academic standing who has excelled in interior design. Named in memory of a former student.

Leonard Horowitz Award
To the interior design graduate at the Long Island campus who has excelled in the discipline of interior design. Named in memory of a former student.

Interior Design Award
Conferred by the architecture and design faculty for excellence in interior design.

Interior Design Faculty Award
Conferred by the architecture and design faculty for outstanding achievement in interior design.

Robert Jensen Memorial Award
Presented by the faculty to a graduating student in architecture for exceptional abilities in one or more of the following fields of study: architectural history, architectural theory and criticism, historic preservation and craft-based architectural design.

Melvin Lerner Memorial Award
Presented to the interior design graduate in Long Island for excellence in leadership, service to the college, and promise of professional merit through performance and personality.

The New York Council of the Society of American Registered Architects Award
To the senior student in the Bachelor of Architecture program who has given worthy service to the school and to other students in friendship, assistance, and constructive attitude.

The New York Society of Architects Matthew W. Del Gaudio Award
Presented for excellence in total design to a graduating student in each of the architectural schools in the state.

Outstanding Service to the Department Award
Conferred by the interior design faculty for outstanding service to the department.

Arthur J. Pettorino Memorial Award
Presented to a graduating student in the architectural technology program, selected by the faculty, in recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of architectural technology.

Gina Pisano Ricci Award
To a female graduate in the architecture program who has shown outstanding ability and leadership, willingness to serve, and promise of professional achievement.

Special Faculty Award for Service and Involvement
Conferred by the faculty to a graduating student in the architecture program, at the Long Island and New York City campuses, who has generously served the student body and thereby improved the quality of life within the School of Architecture and Design.

John Tam Memorial Award
To the interior design graduate in Long Island who has excelled in the program. Named in memory of a former student.

ARCC/KING Student Medal for Excellence in Architectural and Environmental Design Research
Awarded to a graduating student based upon criteria that acknowledge innovation, integrity, and scholarship in architectural and/or environmental design research.

Annual Architecture and Interior Design Chapter of the Alumni Federation Mentorship Award
Conferred upon a graduating student in Interior Design who has improved the quality of life at the School of Architecture and Design by acting as a trusted mentor to fellow classmates.

Thesis Faculty Recognition Award
Awarded by thesis faculty to students whose performance throughout thesis year was outstanding.

Department of Digital Art and Design

Certificate of Innovation in Fine Arts Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty to the graduating student who has shown outstanding achievement with innovation in the field of fine arts.

Faculty Award for Technology
Awarded to a student who has excelled at using technological tools to serve artistic expression as judged by a committee of fine arts faculty.

Outstanding Service to the Department Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty for outstanding service to the department.

Global Student Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty for outstanding achievement to a student in a combined program with an international partner institution.

Computer Graphics BFA Faculty Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty on a graduating student for outstanding achievement in computer graphics.

Faculty Award for Best BFA Animation Project
Conferred on a graduating student who has completed the best animation project as judged by a committee of fine arts faculty.

Graphic Design BFA Faculty Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty for outstanding achievement in graphic design.

Fine Art Department Chairperson BFA Award
Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest academic record in the major.

The Marvin Horowitz Sculpture BFA Award
Awarded to the student who excels in the discipline of sculpture.

The Valdis Kupris Painting BFA Award
Awarded to the student who excels in the discipline of painting.

The Cornelius Scholl Photography BFA Award
Awarded to the student who excels in the discipline of photography.

Digital Art and Design – Animation MFA Faculty Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty on a graduating student for outstanding achievement in animation.

Digital Art and Design – Graphic Design MFA Faculty Award
Conferred by the fine arts faculty on a graduating student for outstanding achievement in graphic design.

College of Arts and Sciences

Biological and Chemical Sciences

B.S./D.O. Award
For outstanding scholarship in the B.S./D.O. program.

B.S./D.O. Service Award
For outstanding service to the student body and improvement of college life at New York Tech.

B.S./D.O. Pre-Clinical Education Award
For the most outstanding B.S./D.O. student in the first year of medical school.

Biomedical Society Award
Awarded by the officers of the Biomedical Society to a graduate in the Biological and Chemical Sciences department for outstanding service.

Biological and Chemical Sciences Award
Awarded for outstanding scholarship in the fields of biological and chemical sciences to a graduating senior from the Long Island campus and one from the New York City campus.

Biological and Chemical Sciences Service Award
For outstanding service to the disciplines of biological and chemical sciences at the Long Island campus and the New York City campus.

Michael Brian Unger Award
Presented in memory of a youthful victim of cancer to a graduating student whose scholarly achievement in the biological and chemical sciences denotes an outstanding graduate with a promising future.

David G. Salten Award
Awarded by the Alumni Federation for excellence in the natural sciences. Chosen by the biological and chemical sciences faculty.

Eugene J. Mitacek Award for Excellence in Chemistry
Awarded to a student who has received an A letter grade in General Chemistry, General Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry I, Organic Chemistry II, and Biochemistry.

Communication Arts

Advertising Copy Award
Presented to the graduating seniors majoring in advertising at the Long Island and New York City campuses who have demonstrated the most outstanding skills in advertising writing.

Advertising Design Award
To the advertising degree graduating senior at the Long Island and New York City campuses who has excelled in advertising design.

Advertising Leadership Award
To the advertising degree graduating senior at the Long Island and New York City campuses who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in management of professional and academic advertising projects.

Advertising Presentation Award
Conferred on an advertising degree graduating senior at the Long Island campus and the New York City campus who has demonstrated the most outstanding presentation skills.

John J. Theobald Graduate Achievement Award in Communication Arts
Conferred upon a deserving student in the master's program based on scholarship and outstanding contribution to the college and/or the outside community.

William M. Altman Award
To the communication arts graduate in Long Island with high academic standing and all-around excellence. Named in memory of a former faculty member.

J. Jack Brown Memorial Award
Awarded to a graduating student in communication arts, Long Island, who has chosen film as a specialization and has excelled in this field. Named in memory of the father of a communication arts staff member.

Neal Martin Cohen Memorial Award
To the communication arts graduate in Long Island who has done outstanding work in the field of broadcasting. Named in memory of a former faculty member.

Communication Arts Award
Conferred on graduating students at the Long Island and New York City campuses for high academic average in communication arts.

Regina Greene Service Award
Awarded to a graduating student in communication arts who has shown unusual dedication and service to the program. Named in honor of a dedicated former staff member who served the communication arts department for more than a quarter century.

Charles J. Kambourian Advertising Achievement Award
This award, named in honor of the first chairperson of the advertising program, is conferred on a graduating senior whose work shows great promise in the field.

The John R. Mazey Memorial Award
Conferred on a graduating senior in communication arts from the Long Island and New York City campuses for an outstanding, professional advertising project.

Media Production Award
Conferred on a graduating senior in advertising for an outstanding professional advertising project.

Philip Miele Memorial Award
To a graduating student for excellence in public relations and/or advertising. Named in memory of a former chairperson and faculty member.

Lee Morrison Memorial Award
To graduating students in communication arts, Long Island and New York City, for overall excellence in the field of radio. Named in memory of a former faculty member.

New York Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Award
Awarded to students in communication arts who excel and show promise in the field of television.

Frank Spreeman Memorial Award
Awarded to the communication arts graduate at the Long Island campus with high academic standing, who has done outstanding work in the field of public relations. Named in memory of a beloved family member of the Communication Arts Department.

Edith Wigutow Memorial Award
Presented to a graduating student in communication arts at the New York City campus for scholarship and all-around excellence.


Award for Excellence in Technology Teacher Education
Presented to the outstanding graduate and certified teacher who has achieved a high-quality grade point average.

Award for Excellence in Adolescence Education
Awarded to the graduate who has demonstrated great growth in professional responsibility and competence, and manifested effective sensitivity in teaching.

John J. Theobald Achievement Award in Graduate Childhood Education
Conferred upon a deserving student in the Master of Science in Childhood Education program, based on scholarship and outstanding contribution to the college and/or community.

Dean's Award for Excellence in Instructional Technology – Off-Campus Students
Conferred upon off-campus students in instructional technology who have shown superior accomplishment in teaching, scholarship, and the integration of technology in instruction.

John J. Theobald Graduate Achievement Award in Instructional Technology
Conferred upon a deserving student in the Master of Science in instructional technology program, based on scholarship and outstanding contribution to the college and/or community.

Award for Excellence in a Professional Field Project – UFT/Teachers' Centers
Conferred upon a deserving student for excellence in preparation of a professional thesis/project related to instructional technology and childhood or adolescence education.

Award for Excellence in Professional Training
Presented to a deserving graduate for outstanding performance in the field of training and learning technology.

Dean's Award for Academic Excellence in Educational Leadership and Technology
Bestowed on a graduate of the educational leadership and technology program who has demonstrated superior academic achievement by earning a 4.0 GPA, a superior rating on the course portfolio, and a strong faculty recommendation.

Faculty Award for Educational Leadership
Given to a graduate of the Educational Leadership and Technology program in recognition of superior leadership during the internship and within the cohort. The recipient illustrates the spirit of "team leader," has earned a GPA of 3.75 or higher, and has received superior recommendations from cooperating administrators during an internship.

Technology Leader Award
Given to a graduate of the educational leadership and technology program in recognition of superior expertise in the use and integration of technology in educational administration, teaching, and learning. The recipient has demonstrated this expertise through exemplary work in the application of technology in coursework and practice and has taken a leadership role in the use of technology within the cohort or internship setting.

John J. Theobald Award for Academic Excellence in School Counseling
Presented to a graduate of the school counseling program who has demonstrated excellent academic achievement, received exemplary ratings during internship, and was unanimously recommended by the faculty.

Carol A. Dahir Award for School Counseling Leadership
Presented to a graduate of the school counseling program in recognition of outstanding leadership within the cohort and in the field. The recipient illustrates the spirit of a leader advocate, demonstrates excellence in academic achievement, and has contributed to the program and/or community.


Faculty Award for Literature Studies
Conferred by the New York City department faculty to a graduating senior for outstanding performance in the study of literature.

The Brigid Dawson Memorial Award for Excellence in English Language Studies
Conferred by the New York City department on a graduating senior for whom English is a second language for excellence in English.

Ann McLaughlin Award
Recognizes outstanding scholarship in English by a graduating senior. Named in honor of a former staff member of the English Department.

Interdisciplinary Studies Award
To graduating seniors in recognition of outstanding scholarship and overall achievement.

Society for Technical Communication (New York Chapter) Scholarship Awards
Cash awards, based on an annual competition, given to undergraduate students showing excellence and achievement in technical writing.

Social Sciences Award
Given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in a degree program of social sciences.

Technical Writing Award
Conferred by the technical writing faculty for excellence in the subject.


Annual Physics Prize
For outstanding scholarship, character, and dedication to the field of physics.

Eugene Odin Memorial Award
Presented to the graduate who has achieved the greatest efficiency and progress in mathematics. Named in memory of a former faculty member.

Harvey Pollack Scholarship Award
To deserving students whose studies are in the field of physics. Named in memory of a former member of faculty and staff.

Psychology and Counseling

Psychology Award
Conferred by the behavioral sciences faculty on a graduate from each campus in recognition of demonstrated scholarly achievement and potential outstanding contribution to the behavioral science of psychology.

Sociology Award
Conferred by the behavioral sciences faculty on a graduate from each campus in recognition of demonstrated scholarly achievement and potential outstanding contribution to the behavioral sciences of sociology.

Psychology Chairperson's Award
Conferred by the chairperson of the Department of Psychology and Counseling upon the graduating student who has demonstrated significant perseverance in the pursuit of success in psychology.

Criminal Justice Chairperson's Award
Conferred by the chairperson of the Department of Psychology and Counseling upon the graduating senior who has demonstrated significant perseverance in the pursuit of success in criminal justice.

Michael Wubnig Memorial Scholarship Award
Awarded to the outstanding graduating senior in behavioral sciences who enrolls in the Mental Health Counseling program.

College of Engineering and Computing Sciences

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Outstanding Student Award
Awarded to a graduating student who has made a great contribution toward the operations of the student branch of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Award
Presented in recognition of outstanding academic achievement in the mechanical engineering major throughout a four-year program.

Andrew Farber Memorial Award
Awarded to a full-time electrical engineering undergraduate who has achieved excellence in the field throughout a four-year program.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Faculty Award
Presented to a graduate at each campus who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the program.

College of Engineering and Computing Sciences Telecommunications Award
Presented to a graduate who demonstrates academic excellence in the program.

Computer Science Faculty Award
Awarded to a graduating senior at each campus for creativity, ability, and service in the discipline of computer science.

Computer Science Graduate Faculty Award
Awarded to a master's student who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the discipline of computer science.

Dean's Award
Presented to a graduating student who has achieved a high academic average in the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Award
Awarded to a graduating student at each campus for creativity, ability, and service in the discipline.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Award
Awarded by Long Island faculty members to a graduate who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the discipline.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Faculty Award
Awarded to a master's student who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the discipline of electrical and computer engineering.

Energy Management Achievement Award
Awarded to an outstanding master's student who combines scholarship with personal achievements.

Energy Management Graduate Faculty Award
Awarded to a master's student who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the discipline of energy management.

Environmental Technology Graduate Faculty Award
Awarded to a master's student who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the discipline of environmental technology.

Cybersecurity Graduate Faculty Award
Awarded to a master's student who has attained superior scholastic achievement and participation in the discipline of cybersecurity.

John J. Theobald Graduate Achievement Award
Awarded to one master's student in computer science; electrical and computer engineering; energy management; environmental technology; and cybersecurity.

The Gottlieb Koenig Achievement Award
Presented to a graduating senior with a high academic average in mechanical engineering and a record of service to the college and/or the outside community.

Louis Liss Memorial Award
Awarded to an upperclassman of electrical engineering who has shown creative ability and ingenuity in the field.

N.A. Karr Award
Presented to graduating students in computer science at each of the New York Tech campuses who have high scholastic averages and records of service to the campus community.

Samuel Shapiro Scholarship Award
Awarded to a graduate of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences deemed most worthy in the pursuit of graduate studies.

School of Health Professions

John J. Theobald Graduate Achievement Award in Physical Therapy
Conferred upon a deserving student in the physical therapy program and is based on scholarship and outstanding contribution to the college and/or the outside community.

Physical Therapy Research Award
Conferred by the physical therapy faculty upon the graduating student who demonstrates scholarship in the design, development, and execution of an original research project.

Physical Therapy Academic Performance Award
Conferred by the physical therapy faculty upon the graduating student with the highest overall grade point average.

Physical Therapy Clinical Education Performance Award
Conferred by the physical therapy faculty upon the graduating student who received the highest performance rating by their clinical supervisor.

Physical Therapy Leadership Award
Conferred by the physical therapy faculty upon the graduating student whose outstanding extracurricular activities reflect dedication both to the students and faculty in the program in physical therapy and to the university community at large.

Physical Therapy Professional Award
Conferred by the physical therapy faculty upon the graduating student who has demonstrated career development consistent with the highest standard of the profession.

Benjamin Morey Commitment to Excellence Award
Conferred by the physical therapy faculty upon the graduating student who demonstrated significant perseverance in the pursuit of physical therapy.

Physical Therapy Alpha Eta Honor Society
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.8 or better (out of 4.0).

John J. Theobald Graduate Achievement Award in Clinical Nutrition
Conferred upon a deserving student in the master's program and is based on scholarship and outstanding contribution to the college and/or the outside community (only one award may be selected for each master's degree).

The Clinical Dietetic Award
Awarded for outstanding ability in clinical practice within the field of clinical nutrition.

The Clinical Nutrition Service Award
Awarded for outstanding service to the community in health and nutrition.

The Clinical Nutrition Student of Distinction Award
Awarded for excellent academic performance and potential as a health-care professional.

The Clinical Nutrition Vanessa Cappellino Memorial Award for Research
Awarded to keep alive the memory of Vanessa Cappellino, a nutrition student whose zest for life was infectious and whose joy in research was deep and enduring. To be awarded to the student who has shown achievement and future potential in the area of research.

Clinical Nutrition Alpha Eta Honor Society
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.8 or better (out of 4.0).

Occupational Therapy Academic Performance Award
Awarded to the student(s) with outstanding academic performance in the occupational therapy program (highest overall grade point average).

Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Performance Award
Awarded to the student(s) who received the highest fieldwork rating from the clinical supervisor.

Occupational Therapy Community Service Award
Awarded to the student(s) with outstanding extracurricular activities directed to serving the local and national global community.

Occupational Therapy Leadership Award
Awarded to the student(s) with outstanding record of leadership while in the program and whose activities are clearly reflected on the general body of OT students.

Occupational Therapy Group Research Award
Awarded to the group of students with outstanding performance in a research project inside or outside the occupational therapy curriculum.

Occupational Therapy Advocacy Award
Awarded to the student(s) who clearly exhibited the effort and commitment to advocate for the occupational therapy profession and the university's image in the local, national, or global community.

Outstanding Peer Mentor Award
The award recognizes an outstanding student mentor who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the success of their OT mentees.

Occupational Therapy Alpha Eta Honor Society
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.8 or better (out of 4.0).

NYIT's Beta Omega Chapter of Pi Theta Epsilon
Pi Theta Epsilon is a specialized honor society for occupational therapy students and alumni. Its mission is to promote research and scholarship among occupational therapy students. PTE recognizes and encourages superior scholarship among students enrolled in accredited educational programs across the United States.

John J. Theobald Graduate Achievement Award in Physician Assistant Studies
Conferred upon a deserving student in the Physician Assistant Studies program, based on scholarship and outstanding contribution to the college and the outside community.

Physician Assistant Studies Leadership Award
Conferred by the chairperson and faculty of the Department of Physician Assistant Studies to the student whose outstanding leadership reflects dedication to the students and the program.

Physician Assistant Studies Outstanding Service Award
Conferred by the chairperson and faculty of the Department of Physician Assistant Studies to the student who has provided outstanding service to the program, college, and community.

Physician Assistant Studies Alpha Eta Award
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.8 or better (out of 4.0).

Health Sciences Academic Performance Award
Conferred by health sciences faculty upon the graduating student with highest overall grade point average who has also demonstrated excellent potential as a future health professional.

Health Sciences Senior Practicum Performance Award
Conferred by the health sciences faculty upon the graduating student with outstanding performance in the senior practicum experience.

Health Sciences Student of Distinction Award
Conferred by the health sciences faculty upon the graduating student who has demonstrated significant perseverance and achievement in the pursuit of academic and experiential success.

Health Science Alpha Eta Honor Society
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.5 or better (out of 4.0).

Health and Wellness Academic Performance Award
Conferred by health sciences faculty upon the graduating student with highest overall grade point average who has also demonstrated excellent potential as a future health professional.

Health and Wellness Senior Practicum Performance Award
Conferred by the health sciences faculty upon the graduating student with outstanding performance in the senior practicum experience.

Health and Wellness Student of Distinction Award
Conferred by the health sciences faculty upon the graduating student who has demonstrated significant perseverance and achievement in the pursuit of academic and experiential success.

Health and Wellness Alpha Eta Award
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.5 or better (out of 4.0).

Exercise Science Academic Performance Award
Conferred by exercise science faculty upon the graduating student with highest overall grade point average who has also demonstrated excellent potential as a future health professional.

Exercise Senior Practicum Performance Award
Conferred by the exercise science faculty upon the graduating student with outstanding performance in the senior practicum experience.

Exercise Science Student of Distinction Award
Conferred by the health sciences faculty upon the graduating student who has demonstrated significant perseverance and achievement in the pursuit of academic and experiential success.

Exercise Science Alpha Eta Award
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.5 or better (out of 4.0).

Excelsior Award in Nursing
Conferred by the nursing faculty upon the graduating student with the highest overall grade point average.

Nursing Leadership Award
Conferred by the nursing faculty upon the graduating student who has demonstrated service to the students and faculty of the program in nursing and to the university community at large.

Madeline M. Leininger Award in Nursing
Conferred by the nursing faculty upon the graduating student who best exemplifies the application of transcultural nursing principles to the challenge of nursing practice in a global society.

Florence Nightingale Award in Nursing
Conferred by the faculty of the Nursing Department upon the graduating student who best embodies the spirit of nursing.

Nursing Alpha Eta Honor Society
Conferred upon the graduating students with an overall grade point average of 3.5 or better (out of 4.0).

School of Management

Nat Deerson Scholarship Award
Conferred to a Long Island graduating student for academic excellence in one of the management degree programs, who has a sincere desire to pursue a career in law.

Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society Award
Conferred by Alpha Xi, the New York Tech chapter of the National Business Honor Society, in recognition of outstanding scholarship in business.

Finance, Accounting, and Management Association Award
To the student who has excelled in extracurricular activities related to the business program.

New York CPA Society Award
To the student graduating with a high academic average in accounting who shows promise in the public accounting profession.

School of Management Award
Conferred on graduating students who have achieved the highest averages in the majors offered by the discipline: accounting, business administration, management, marketing, MIS, and finance.

Benjamin and Ethel Silverstein Award
Conferred to a graduating student in recognition of outstanding achievement in finance.

Wall Street Journal Achievement Award
To a graduating student who has achieved excellence in business studies.

Hospitality Management

Dean's Award
Conferred on a graduating student who has demonstrated academic and career excellence through major improvements as a student and as a member of the industry and/or who has publications related to hotel, oenology, and institutional or restaurant administration that have brought credit to the student, the school, and the college.

Director's Award
Conferred by the director and chefs to the graduate who best exemplifies management skills in the discipline.

Hotel Faculty Award
Conferred by the faculty of the hospitality management department on the student who has demonstrated continued service, concern and support of the school, the college, and the industry.

Society of Hosteurs Club Award
Presented to a graduating senior who has made a significant contribution to the club.

Student Colleague Award
Conferred by students on a colleague who best exemplifies teamwork and consistency in the program.

NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine Senior Student Awards for Service and Academic Achievement

AMWA's Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Award
Presented to the female receiving top honors in her class.

Mark A. Andrews, Ph.D., Award
Presented for excellence in physiology.

Biophysical Society Student Research Achievement Award

Board of Governor's Award
Conferred for excellence in osteopathic manipulation.

The Executive Committee Achievement Award
For overall academic excellence.

Council of Student Council President's Student D.O. of the Year Award

Dean's Award
Conferred for service to College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Roy DeBeer, D.O., Award
Conferred for excellence in gastroenterology.

Philip F. Fleisher, D.O., Memorial Award
Conferred for excellence in cardiology.

Steven Galler, D.O., Alan Scheinbach, D.O., and Steven Grainer, D.O., Award
Conferred for excellence in internal medicine.

Robert E. Mancini, Ph.D., D.O., Award
Conferred for excellence in medical pharmacology.

Gates Pharmaceutical Award
Conferred for outstanding achievement in the study of medicine.

Mary E. Hitchcock, D.O., Memorial Award
Conferred for commitment to osteopathic principles.

Robert E. Mancini, Ph.D., D.O., Award
Conferred for excellence in clinical toxicology.

Philip Marcus, M.D., Award
Conferred for excellence in pulmonary medicine.

Mark Marmora, D.O., Memorial Award
Conferred for excellence in teaching OMM, sponsored by Schering Pharmaceutical.

The McNeil Pharmaceutical Award
Conferred for excellence in family practice.

Medical Society of New York State Award
Conferred for community service.

Esther and Max Nagler Fund Award
Conferred for excellence in pathology.

College of Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association Award

Conferred for interest in organizational affairs.

Award for Excellence in Obstetrics/Gynecology

Award for Excellence in Pediatrics

Samuel Plotnick, D.D.S., M.P.H. Award
Conferred for community medicine.

Excellence in Psychiatry Award

Thomas A. Scandalis, D.O., Award
Conferred for excellence in sports medicine.

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Award

Shepard Splain, D.O., Award
Conferred for excellence in surgery.

St. Barnabas Award
Conferred for excellence in radiology.

Student National Medical Association Dedicated Service Award

Donna Jones Maritsugu Award
Presented to a supportive spouse.

Student Services

Richard Gabay Memorial Award
Presented by the Long Island Student Government Association for demonstrated outstanding leadership in extracurricular activities.

Frank R. Jaklitsch Memorial Award
Presented by the Office of Student Services for demonstrated outstanding leadership in extracurricular activities.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award
Presented for outstanding contribution to the minority community at New York Tech.

Alumni Award
Conferred to graduating students from each campus who have contributed outstanding service to the college.

Estelle Ormont Award
Presented for outstanding extracurricular activity and/or special effort related to the student's field of interest.

Residential Life Service Award
To the graduating student who has provided outstanding leadership, sincere dedication, and meritorious service in the area of residential life.

Israel Louis Schure Award
Conferred for outstanding performance in extracurricular leadership.

Jules H. Singer Memorial Award
Presented to a student who has made outstanding contributions to the intellectual and cultural climate of the college.

Student Services Award
Presented to a graduating student at each campus for outstanding service to the college.

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