Student Expenses

Student expenses vary with the individual's academic program, schedule of classes, and whether the student commutes or lives in a residence hall. For the full-time student, the only fixed costs are tuition and the college fee based on the academic program.

Variable costs include food, housing, transportation, books, course materials, supplies, and equipment, and other personal expenses. The cost of meals on campus varies. The cost of books and personal expenses depends on the student's major and budget choices for leisure activities. Transportation costs vary by distance from the college and mode of transportation, including whether the student carpools.

Students with unusual expenses or special budgetary concerns should consult the Office of Financial Aid.

For more information, please see the Office of Financial Aid: Costs and Allowances.

Federal Reference: 2024–2025 Federal Student Handbook, Vol. 3 Ch. 2: Cost of Attendance (Budget)

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